Monday, October 18, 2010


Spinach soup and
vegetable curry
I had a great weekend. Mini-dreams came true on friday: first a silly one, in which I was thinking "I need to eat more spinach" and ate lunch at a place that happened to have a spinach cream soup that inspired me to make spinach cream soups at home.

Plus, I've always wanted to go to more classical concerts, especially piano. Danny and I got free tickets from our new musician friend... two mini-dreams coming true: concerts and dates. It was a great, great night. 

Sunday was a great day for various reasons. My youth group was definitely the highlight. There is real transformation happening in the lives of some of the teens and I am so happy and privileged to be a part of it. SO honored to have their trust.

I love going on the train to Lisbon on Sunday morning because you see millions of people walking, biking, rollerblading, etc. along the beach and river.

I ate out for lunch, something I don't like doing especially on a Sunday. I have this theory though that a good reason for eating out, other than being with people that are important to you of course, is to eat food you couldn't make at home. So at least I had two good reasons for eating out: to hang out with my sister and to eat YUMMY Japanese food. I <3 sushi. That might sound snobby but it's true. It's so clean and delicious and nutritious. I <3 miso soup.  

My sister and her new smart car

Yummy, delectable sushi your mouth watering?


  1. Do I have to write always in English? Hope not... :)
    O meu primeiro comentário é apenas para dizer que, se tu e o Daniel "estão numa" de começar a frequentar concertos, então.............. concerto próximo domingo, dia 24, na Basílica dos Mártires (Chiado)! Grupo Coral Sol Nascente, YEAH!!! :) E a entrada é livríssima! :) Vou estar lá a fingir que canto, espero ver-vos :P
    E para terminar devo dizer que vais ser a primeira pessoa a fazer-me seguir um blog com alguma fidelidade... happy? :)

  2. haha MUITO happy! Obrigada por leres e comentares!
    Só escrevo em inglês porque me é mais natural, mas claro que podes comentar na língua que quiseres!
    Gostávamos muito de ir a esse concerto mas temos o grupo de jovens às quatro. Será que dá para ir lá ter? A que horas é?

  3. Ai Julie, desculpa só ter visto agora o teu comment. Pensava que isto enviava notificações para o meu mail, mas afinal não envia...
    O concerto foi precisamente às 16h, por isso já não dava para vocês virem. Mas obrigada na mesma :)
    Entretanto tenho dado mais olhadelas pelos teus posts e claro, gosto muito! :)
    Keep doing it! :)
    Beijinhos grandes!
