Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I've put a new icon up on my sidebar of my new most favorite site ever.
(scroll down and

It's 1flesh.org and besides having really awesome graphics:

...It's also starting a revolution: exposing the real dangers of birth control, "bringing sexy back", promoting "love that's worth fighting for" and "bringing great sex to the entire universe". 

You should like them on Facebook, too: http://www.facebook.com/1flesh


  1. Those are really great graphics. Thanks for sharing!

    I stumbled across your blog through: http://www.conversiondiary.com/

    I'm intrigued by Portuguese culture because my Fiance's parents are from Portugal and he spent a lot of time there growing up. :)

  2. Oops, messed up my blog url: heartthelittlethings.wordpress.com

  3. Hi! How interesting, I wonder if they are also from the Azores? My parents are and a lot of the Portuguese people that immigrated to the US are too.
