Friday, August 08, 2014

Struggling with motherhood doubts

I've been kind of depressed about jobs over the last weeks and in a very vulnerable situation with my last employer. Having a baby really does change things and make you question who you are and what your priorities are. I listened to the talks from the Edel gathering here: 

And Marion's talk really helped me realize I'm not alone with my doubts. It seems like in Portugal everyone does the same thing: has one or two children really late, keeps on working at the same job and puts their 5-month-old at daycare or at their grandparents'. Marion, however, talked about the doubts that mothers have and that I really feel like I've been struggling with: 

Do I stay at home? 
Do I work outside the home? 
What are my schooling options? 
What about the bills? 
How do I raise my kids in the faith? 
How do I balance this need for adult interaction and intellectual stimulation with the needs of my kids? 

I also found a new blog,
It is AWESOME and so is the blogger, Haley. She is the "ultimate Catholic hipster" and she is great inspiration. 

haley stewart1 Four amazing talks from the Edel Gathering

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