Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have been thinking a lot about how to rest better. Not more, but better. At the beginning of this school year, I was doing really well at running everyday, eating well and sleeping. Now, my life has gotten out of control busy somehow and I'm having problems in calming it back down. What to cut out when it all seems essential? What to say no to and what to make time for?

I really identified with this article, especially when she says, "When I felt like I needed to start slowing down a few months ago, I took that literally. I spent more time on the couch. I crossed items off my to-do list. And I felt worse. 'You’re a dreamer,' my husband goes on, 'You need to be free to chase ideas, move toward the future, try new things. That’s what renews you.'"

This week I made time for painting and it was definitely the high point of my whole week. It also made me think a lot about what is resting and what is not:

What doesn't make me feel rested:
  • spending too much time online, either answering emails or searching for things
  • going to activities I am planning
  • not being able to get up at the time I want to in the morning, laying in bed
  • dirty dishes or a dirty house, not having time to clean
  • being alone for too long
  • spending the day trying to cross things off my checklist
  • spending the entire day cleaning and cooking
What makes me feel rested:
  • sleeping 9 hours
  • baking
  • easy food
  • running, biking... any outside exercise
  • sitting or reading in the sun
  • dancing in my living room
  • watching a movie with friends (but not by myself, interestingly enough)
  • having friends over for dinner at my house
  • having a heart-to-heart conversation
  • hearing an inspiring conference or reading an inspiring book
  • music (playing it, hearing it...)
  • being creative
  • painting -->
I will show you next week what I painted! ;)

For Christians, Sunday is "the fundamental feastday", established not only to mark the succession of time but to reveal time's deeper meaning. — John Paul II, Dies Domini

The Sunday precept is not, therefore, an externally imposed duty, a burden on our shoulders. On the contrary, taking part in the Celebration, being nourished by the Eucharistic Bread and experiencing the communion of their brothers and sisters in Christ is a need for Christians, it is a joy; Christians can thus replenish the energy they need to continue on the journey we must make every week. — Homily of Pope Benedict XVI, Sunday, May 29, 2005.


  1. Hi Julie, I am a Portuguese reader of "Conversion Diary" as well. (Started when the blog was just recently named "Et Tu, Jennifer?", from the previous "The Reluctant Atheist"). Não sei se percebes bem português, e daí te estar a escrever em inglês.

    Well, I am commenting here because I would like to know if we could talk or email some day. I have sometimes thought about studying Theology (though now it is not the time, hopefully later) and so as I checked your blog I got very interested in knowing you a little more.

    A bit about me: mid-thirties, female, single, Catholic, left Church when I was 12-13 years old, came back when I was 25, after converting/reverting to Christianity when I was 21. You can see my answers on Jennifer's post under the alias "tgz"

  2. Sure... you can email me here:
