Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 Amalias

Her Two Fridas...
Two Fridas by Frida Kahlo
My two Amalias...

I am oh so proud of my first major craft. It turned out great, was so fulfilling to make and is better and cheaper than any artwork I could've bought! I made two, one for me and one for my friend.

Here's how I made it:

1. Was inspired by the very same stencil painting by my coworker. Looked up helpful articles like this one online that talked about making stencils.

2. Bought a four euro canvas and painted it a pink base color I had imagined in my head (by mixing red and light blue paint I already had!). Let it dry completely.

3. Printed out a black and white picture on four sheets of paper. Cut the black parts out. (If you have transparencies, you can put them over the black and white picture, color the black parts in on the transparency and then cut the black parts out on the transparency. A transparency is easier to cut.

4. Lightly taped my stencil (printed page with black parts cut out) on the canvas. Painted black over the stencil.

5. Took the stencil off and voila!

6. My stencil is a picture of a Portuguese singer named Amalia Rodrigues. On my painting I wrote one of my favorite lines from her songs: "It's not a disgrace/misfortune to be poor, it's not a disgrace/misfortune to be crazy." I feel like it sums up my life at this point in time. ;)

7. Hung it up on my living room wall and admired how wonderful, beautiful, homemade, cheap and PERFECT it is!

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