Monday, August 15, 2011

Away for World Youth Day

Unfortunately, I haven't been and won't be able to blog for a while. Fortunately, it's for a good reason: I've been visiting my boyfriend's family in the north of Portugal and now am on my way to World Youth Day in Madrid!

Happy vacation (if you have vacation...)

Dear friends, build your own house on rock, just like the person who “dug deeply”. Try each day to follow Christ’s word. Listen to him as a true friend with whom you can share your path in life. With him at your side, you will find courage and hope to face difficulties and problems, and even to overcome disappointments and set-backs. You are constantly being offered easier choices, but you yourselves know that these are ultimately deceptive and cannot bring you serenity and joy. Only the word of God can show us the authentic way, and only the faith we have received is the light which shines on our path. Gratefully accept this spiritual gift which you have received from your families; strive to respond responsibly to God’s call, and to grow in your faith. Do not believe those who tell you that you don’t need others to build up your life! Find support in the faith of those who are dear to you, in the faith of the Church, and thank the Lord that you have received it and have made it your own!


  1. Que pena Julinha não te saber nas JMJ. Irias receber um tesouro, sabes disso!João Paulo II disse: Não tenhais medo de vos abrir ...
    Um beijinho grande e continuação de boas férias.

  2. Olá Lúcia! Mas eu fui às Jornadas! Só que não foi oom o Caminho, foi com o meu namorado. Mas foi muito bom! Cheguei ontem. Não vi lá a minha mãe. :/
