Monday, January 23, 2017

I am a SAHM and I have SO MUCH TO DO

(all three of these pictures were taken by Addie... can you believe it?!)

I was feeling invigorated after an informal moms' club at my house, as part of a homeschooling group we participate in. We talked about how unappreciated it is to be a SAHM, yet how fundamentally important it is. And we thought about whether or not its importance should be shouted from the rooftops more often.

It is strange for me to think back to two years ago when I was in the thick of discerning whether or not I was called to be a SAHM. Motherhood was all so new to me. I had to work part-time and pray and think a lot about it before it was clear to me. I have come so far in those two years and I can't imagine doing anything else with my life, so it's strange to think I ever had doubts.

(Disclaimer: I'm not saying being a SAHM is better than a working mom, I just think it needs to e more supported. And the following applies to all moms, I just think more fully and particularly to a SAHM.)

Before taking the plunge and quitting my day job, I had made a list of all the things I wanted to do as a SAHM. Now I feel like I still have that list in my head, but I keep adding to it. I share this because I hope no one sees a SAHM mom as futile or airheaded or as doing unimportant tasks. At least that's not the way I live it. You are entirely devoted to building up your family, the primary cell of society.

Here are some of my goals as a SAHM:

Being a woman of prayer myself and provide a model and atmosphere conducive to prayer in our house. (The Little Oratory)

Caring for my kids' physical needs (nursing, health, cooking, naps, baths).

Caring for my kids' spiritual and social needs.

Being a facilitator of our family's friendships with other friends and families (dinners, visiting, etc.).. caring for our family's social life.

Making a home out of a house, a place of order and wonder (home-cooked meals, cleaning, tidying, coziness) (for order and wonder see

Being the primary educator (along with my husband) of my children.

Taking care of some mundane business tasks (budgets, groceries, errands, etc) so we can have more time to rest and play as a family when my husband is off work.

Decide what to celebrate and how: celebrate the liturgical year and creat family traditions.

Being a good memory keeper (taking pictures, digital photo albums).

Spending more time... just plain time... with my family... so that we can build more family centered communities and not jus peer centered ones.


  1. Gostei muito de ler o teu post! Concordo tanto quando dizes que não há 2 caminhos iguais e, é mesmo gratificante quando vivemos e saboreamos o nosso! Continua o teu lindo trabalho :) E obrigada por partilhares um pouco da tua experiência.

    1. Obrigada! E é muito bom ter com quem partilhar em pessoa, não só virtualmente... Por isso agradecida também pela tua amizade e o teu caminho.

  2. :) É essencial. O virtual é apenas uma forma de comunicar e encurtar distancias. Mas a vida faz-se no real! Um Beijinho!
