Thursday, April 11, 2019

Palacio da Pena

These pictures are proof that Adelaide's wish of visiting this castle came true on her birthday. (We had seen it by car from far away a week before) I just was able to take a group picture as proof. The second picture was my great idea of "hey guys, climb to the top of the tower and I'll take a picture of you" and I snapped this one before Davy climbed onto the edge of the cliff from which a fall could mean sudden death and all of the tourists started yelling and wondering what the child protection services number here in Portugal is. 

Other than that, it went surprisingly well and they behaved surprisingly well (and out of character!). It was a difficult choice: to go alone with them, a 30 minute drive, a rainy forecast, we got just a bit of rain as we waited for the bus up the hill to the castle, then after pushing the stroller up the castle ramp I found out I couldn't take the stroller in, but they behaved perfectly as we went high-speed through the museum. All the tourists/employees thought I was crazy. 

But the birthday girl Adelaide loved it. I... surprisingly… loved it too. It made me realize that these are the moments we will remember. When we took risks and adventures together. Adelaide has this crazy memory where she remembers random things that were important to her but very small details. I hope she will remember this. 

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